Sunday, January 24, 2010


Okay, obviously I'm not the only one who procrastinates instead of being productive once I sit my butt down at my desk. But c'mon. I think I may have a problem. Seriously. There are so many thnigs to do, things to get sucked into, emails to read, sites to visit, games to play, social sites to update, widgets to add to the blog...the list goes on and on.
Facebook proved to be such a time-suck, that I had to stop going to the site. So any of you that may have sent invites lately, I apologize, I haven't been on there to see them. Before Facebook it was MySpace taking up my time. And boy did it take up my time, so then I found Facebook and thought it wouldn't take up as much time so I switched. Yeah, that didn't exactly work out for me. And then there's Twitter. Everybody is talking about 'tweeting', but I haven't even attempted to get on that site. I know I'll spend way too much time on it.
So aside form the social sites, I love the game sites. Not the fancy-smancy sites, but the ones that offer silly little games that take anywhere from a couple of minutes to twenty to finish. My favorite? Pogo. I absolutely love that site and yes, I spend way too much time on that one as well. But I love it. Facebook had the games you could go into and play like Bejeweled, Farkle, and things like that. Well Pogo has Bejeweled as well but tons and tons of other games. Yes, I'm addicted to Pogo, I'll admit it. I just can't stop. Hello, my name is Brenna and I'm a Pogo addict. :)
And then there's email. Email is never ending. I belong to some RWA chapters. A couple of online chapters and my local chapter. Each of these have their own email loops and a couple of them have multiple loops for different things. Everyone is always posting links to check out a cool website, an interesting blog, article, picture, anything really. And I love to go check them out. A lot of times they really are interesting and I end up bookmarking the site to come back to later.
I also can't forget workshops, although I don't think those qualify as a means of procrastination as I'm learning something to do with the craft, whether it be plotting, conflict, voice, research...Starting on the 1st I'm starting a workshop about the history of Druids. Sounds very interesting and since I'm currently working on a paranormal I think it'll come in handy.
So, those are some of my favorite pastimes/procrastination tools.
How about you? I know I'm not the only one...Come out, come out, wherever you are...

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